Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just the Facts - Action Research Plan

Action Research Plan
Just the Facts—Basic Math Skills for LaMesa Elementary Students

Goal:  The goal of this action research plan is to determine ways that LaMesa Elementary teachers (Pre-K through 4th Grade) can improve the teaching of specific math skills in order to increase student learning and retention of those skills.

Action Step(s)
Person(s) Responsible
Needed Resources
Evaluation/Monitoring of Achievement of Goals and Objectives
1. Develop a committee to determine the math skills for each grade level and the specific activities and assessment that will take place.
Brandy Tirey
June 25 – July 13, 2012
Determine participation of a committee member representing each grade level as well as administrators.
2.  Look at data on math skills.  Look at the end of the year math scores on the Fast Math program for grades 2 – 4 , and the TPRI scores for K & 1. Gather information on math skills from the Pre-K teacher.
Brandy Tirey
Sharon Wright, Principal

June 25 – August 10, 2012
End of Year Fast Math Score Printouts, K & 1 TPRI Scores, Info. from the Pre-K teacher on Math skills

Looking at the Fast Math scores, TPRI scores, and Pre-K information, determine the progress that was made on math skills from last year.  Look to see if there are major gaps.
3.  Make a list of ideas to discuss at the meeting we will have in August.  Look at Fast Math activity ideas, the book Number Facts & Jumping Jacks, and on line math resources.
Brandy Tirey
June 25 – August 10, 2012
Fast Math program, Number Facts & Jumping Jacks book, a computer.
Create a list of ideas to discuss with the committee of possible activities for our campus to use.
4.  Create math facts and numbers on posters to place on stairs and walls around the building. 
Brandy Tirey
Possibly some committee members
June 25 – August 10, 2012
Poster board, paper, markers, scissors, glue, tape
5.  Have a committee meeting to determine specific math skills to target and track throughout the year for all grade levels. 
Brandy Tirey
Sharon Wright - princpal
Alissa Carter – Asst. Principal
Committee members – 1 from each grade level
August 2012 (date to be determined after in-service schedule has been made by principal)
List of activities, data from Fast Math, TPRI scores, and information from Pre-K, Posters created in step 4.
Get feedback from committee members, determine a plan of action for each grade level, determine assessment method for each grade level.
6. Conduct staff meeting with entire campus to present the action plan and activities that will be conducted throughout the year. 
Brandy Tirey
Entire LaMesa Staff
August 2012 (date to be determined after in-service schedule has been made by principal)
List of committee members, List of activities with descriptions of each activity, copy of assessment tool for Pre-k through 1.  2 – 4 grades will turn in Fast Math monthly reports.
Evaluation from the principal on how the meeting went and was conducted.
7.  Distribute meeting evaluation/ideas form to all staff to receive ideas and feedback.
All Staff at LaMesa Elementary
August ( Same day as meeting)
Evaluation/ideas form
Determine new ideas from the evaluation forms.
8.  Begin activities in all grade levels.
All Staff at LaMesa Elementary
August 20, 2012 – April 26, 2013
Plan of Action for all teachers and list of activities and assessment dates.
Discuss with teachers weekly to determine success and problems.
9.  2nd – 4th Grade students will complete SMI test, and Pre-K through 1st grades will do checklist determine baseline scores and teachers will turn in reports.
Brandy Tirey
August 27 – 31, 2012
Computer lab computers, check lists
Analyze data to determine problem areas.
10.  Teachers turn in monthly reports and checklists.
Brandy Tirey
All Teachers
Last Day of each month August 2012 – April 2013.
Monitor student progress from reports and checklists.  Make any necessary suggestions and activity changes to focus on specific skills.
11.  Meet monthly with committee to discuss data and make any necessary changes needed in activities or add new ones.
Brandy Tirey
Sharon Wright
Alissa Carter
All Committee members
September  2012 – April 2013
Compare results from month to month, determine activity effectiveness.
12.  Present Findings
Brandy Tirey
Sharon Wright
May 2013 (date will be determined by her schedule)
Monthly reports and checklists
Evaluation by site supervisor, Sharon Wright.

1 comment:

  1. Improving math skills is something most students and schools need to accomplish. Your project looks very well thought out. I was just curious as to how you were going to develop a committe during the summer hours and who you were including on your committee? All looks great!
